Saturday, May 31, 2008

Feminism pops up in the darnedest of places. I read this while cruising the Foxnews website, and just about fell out of my chair. I still can't tell if I almost hurt myself based on laughter or confusion.

AIRO, Egypt — Muslim extremist women are challenging Al Qaeda's refusal to include — or at least acknowledge — women in its ranks, in an emotional debate that gives rare insight into the gender conflicts lurking beneath one of the strictest strains of Islam.

Headline courtesy of Foxnews at,2933,361166,00.html

apparently women in the middle east are mad because the menfolk want them to stay at home and raise the kids instead of going out to fight us Americans.

I almost feel sorry for the Terrorists, they got mad locals to their left, mad women to their right, and the US military shoving ordinance up their butts on a daily basis.

Silly fools.

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